Energy analyst at IEA's Directorate of Global Energy Economics, Ali Al-Saffar, will give a presentation on the upcoming World Energy Outlook Special Report "The Southeast Asia Energy Outlook 2017" at Brisbane's Customs House on 26 October 2017.
The UQ Centre for Coal Seam Gas was established in 2012 to conduct research, education and consulting within onshore gas in Queensland - to the address industry, government and community opportunities and challenges.
The Centre for Coal Seam Gas recently held a meeting with the Independent Expert Scientific Committee who advises the Australian government on research about water-related CSG impacts.
UQ CCSG Director Andrew Garnett is sharing his experience on industry engagement in a coming workshop for researchers, organised by the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture & Information Tecchnology (EAIT) at UQ.
Schlumberger has supplied master students and researchers within petroleum engineering and petroleum geoscience with access to Schlumberger’s world-class computer modelling software.