PhD Scholarship: Energi Simulation Industrial Research Program: Onshore Gas - PhD Scholarship A$28,092 per annum

17 December 2018

Energi Simulation Industrial Research Program: Onshore Gas - PhD Scholarship A$28,092* per annum

Through its projects, the Energi Simulation Industrial Research Program aims to address the knowledge challenges of the unconventional onshore gas industry.
Apply for this scholarship and join UQ researchers working on the Energi Simulation Industrial Research Program. You’ll receive  A$28,092* per annum tax free, indexed annually, and Overseas Student Health Cover. You will have the opportunity to grow your international network at the Energi Simulation Technical School and Summit in Canada.
The projects are undertaken within the UQ Centre for Natural Gas and the Centre’s industry members (Arrow Energy, APLNG, and Santos) in close collaboration with other schools. You’ll work on applied projects, often with industry data, which will qualify you to work at the research-industry interface or take up industry based positions in the future.
The Energi Simulation Industrial Research Program spans a variety of applied research themes, including:
  • Unconventional hydrocarbons (coal seam gas, shale gas)
  • Geological modelling
  • Dynamic modelling of multi-phase flow (gas, water)
  • Reactive flow and transport modelling
  • Geostatistics, scaling and uncertainty
  • Geomechanics and dynamic permeability
  • CO2 sequestration/storage
  • Gas and water resources nexus
Closing date:
31 March 2020
Professor Suzanne Hurter
More information:
More detail is included below, or visit the UQ scholarship portal.
The University of Queensland Centre for Natural Gas has been established to contribute to the onshore gas sector via research and education, as well as providing independent science and evidence-based advice to stakeholders (government, regulators, community, and industry). The UQ Centre for Natural Gas provides an avenue for growing and sharing knowledge in the onshore gas research field. It carries out research on coal seam gas related issues across petroleum engineering, geosciences, water, data analytics, ecology, sustainability, economics, business and social science fields. The Centre is funded through a membership model, and the current member organisations are Arrow Energy, Santos and APLNG and The University of Queensland. The UQ Centre for Natural Gas engages researchers from a variety of schools and centres at UQ to deliver individual research projects.
In particular, research in technical areas are conducted in close collaboration with the School of Chemical Engineering, the School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering and the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences.

The Energi Simulation Industrial Chair in (Unconventional) Onshore Gas Reservoir Modelling was been established at UQ in 2017 and is based in the UQ Centre for Natural Gas. Prof Suzanne Hurter (Chair) is leading a geoscience and reservoir modelling research program relevant to the unconventional onshore gas industry. This program will provide a number of higher degree research opportunities for quality candidates.  

Three PhD positions are being recruited.

Energi Simulation Industrial Research Program
Energi Simulation, a Canadian foundation and The University of Queensland established the Industrial Research Chair in Unconventional Gas Reservoir Modelling. The research program aims to address the knowledge challenges of the unconventional onshore gas industry. The projects are managed by the UQ Centre Natural Gas in close collaboration with other schools. PhD students will be working on applied projects often with industry data that will qualify them to work at the research-industry interface or take up industry-based positions in the future. Once the candidate has achieved confirmation, he or she will attend at least one annual Energi Simulation Technical School and Summit in Calgary, Canada, to present their research work and network with other PhD students from the international Energi Simulation network of universities. The candidates will also have the opportunity to engage with technical experts from the Queensland gas industry throughout the course of their research. This provides an excellent opportunity to develop a practical understanding of current research challenges and current industry work practices.

The role
Three PhD candidates are being sought for commencement in the second or third quarter of 2020. Three positions will be awarded.
The Energi Simulation Industrial Research Program spans a variety of applied research themes, including:
  • Unconventional hydrocarbons with a focus on coal seam gas
  • Geological Modelling
  • Dynamic Modelling of Multi-phase Flow (gas, water) and Transport
  • Reactive Flow Modelling
  • Geostatistics, scaling and uncertainty
  • Geomechanics and Dynamic Permeability
  • CO2 Sequestration/Storage
  • Gas and water resources nexus
The program is multidisciplinary and research projects are undertaken with the UQ Centre for Natural Gas in collaboration with the Centre’s industry members (Arrow Energy, APLNG and Santos). Research projects often involve collaboration with several schools across UQ. The successful candidates will have the opportunity to engage with senior academics in their field and work with subject matter experts from industry and government.

The person
Applicants should have an excellent academic record of accomplishment in geosciences or engineering (petroleum, chemical, civil, mechanical, environmental) or a related discipline such as physics, chemistry or mathematics (statistics) and an Honours degree or equivalent. You are required to meet the minimum requirements for entry into the PhD program.

Additional skills that would be favourable are any previous experience in geostatistics, geological or flow modelling or coding/programming (MatLab, Python, R, etc.).

You should be a team player with a strong professional work ethic. Applicants should have excellent communication skills in terms of both written and spoken English Language as you will be expected to produce high quality journal articles and present to international audiences.

Depending on your research project and academic background you will be enrolled in the School of Chemical Engineering, School of Mechanical and Mining or Engineering or the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences.

The scholarship is comprised of a stipend of $ 28,092* per annum tax free, indexed annually for a total of three years with the possibility of two six-month extensions in approved circumstances, and Overseas Student Health Cover.

For enquiries related to this position, please contact Professor Suzanne Hurter
Applications close: 31 May 2020 (UQ reserves the right to award the scholarship at any time).

To submit an application for this role, use the apply link below. All applicants must supply the following documents:
  • A cover letter that addresses the requirements for the PhD program, details your area of interest and advises your preferred commencement date.
  • A curriculum vitae detailing your education (including academic records), professional experience, research experience, publications and relevant competencies.
  • The name and contact details of two referees.
Short listed applicants may be contacted for interview.

These positions are open to domestic as well as international students.

For information on completing the application process click here.
*Scholarship recipients may undertake additional work commitments or paid employment during standard working times with the approval of the advisory team, the Head of Enrolling AOU, and the Dean to a maximum of 270 hours per year (e.g. tutoring or casual work in labs). Outside these hours, there are no restrictions for students to work as long as it does not impact their ability to maintain satisfactory progress. Income from other sources must not be greater than 75% of their stipend.
